Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Vitamin D.....

I have not been feeling very well lately
 tired, all the time, like want to sleep on the floor
muscle pain
 altogether feeling bad

So, I went to my GP, and they ran some tests on my Thyroid and everything came back normal. It was time for my yearly after having Gianna (oh joy)! Now I love my OB, as much as you can love your OB.  I grew up with him being friends with my family.  So, I went in there, and just told him how I was feeling.  He said, ok lets get to the bottom of it.  
Took lots of blood, and then called today and said a low vitamin D score is 25....and yours is 11. 
Now, I am relieved.  Because I was feeling a little bit like I was going to just be tired, that my life was too busy too much and that I was going to just feel this way.  That maybe I was just being whiny, and I needed to tough up.  But, Im 25 and was going to bed at 7 with the kids.....
Well, the nurse is who I talked too, and she is going to call me back this evening to let me know what they treatment will be.  From all my google searches today (which made me scared) mostly the treatment is a pill a couple times a week or shots until my levels come up.  
I will know more later, now that my google searches about the deficiency and them using words cancer, Chrohns Disease, Rickets, Osteoporosis, and immediate death by heart attack have caused me a littttle anxiety (also a symptom of low vitamin d)
Minor problem, easily fixed, but hopefully will make me feel normal, 25, and not like a 100 year old grandma! 

1 comment:

  1. I hope it will work for you and will fulfill the deficiency of vitamin D to your body. There is one more suggestion for you that you should try to sit at least 1 to 2 hours in sun. Its the best natural source to get Vitamin D for your body. Good luck....
