Monday, March 5, 2012

Up Allllllll Night

Gianna is sick again, and I want to scream!
Yesterday, she was suppper fussy and clingy.  Taking like 4 naps (very unlike her)
Last night we were in mass when I felt her little hands start to heat up.
I look at my hubby and say, its really hot in here, thinking by rationalizing the fever symptoms that they would go away.  When he looked back and said, no Liz its not, I knew something was brewing. 

9pm -- 102 fever ( Oh and did I mention that this was after the handy conversion features I had to do last night, as our ear thermometer is somehow stuck on Celcius, and I know to convert because there is a red fever line that lights up when we have a fever) lovvvely!
10pm -- crying
10:30 -- Pig noises and other nasal congestion noises
10:32 -- 2 different size suction instruments, saline drops, screaming baby -- nothing comes out.
Repeat last 2 stages untillll
2:00 am -- fever spikes
Rinse and Repeat and Repeat and Repeat

We have been on an Antibiotic for a week already, on for another 2 weeks......

Called to make our weekly monday appt at the pediatricians office'
So glad we get along, as I feel I will be moving into her back lab.
Maybe having needles all around will scare Gianna's immune system into responding.
Oh, and was down to one nurse a we are attached every 10 minutes or so.....ok maybe not that much but Im sore like a postpartum 1st time nurser.
Ok, enough complaining......My poor baby, she just wants to lay on me, which is fine, I just need to surrender the fact that its ok if things dont get done as quickly as wanted. .St. Gianna pray for us!!

1 comment:

  1. Poor baby. And Poor Mama! Hope she feels better soon! And you too! Time to pull out the lansinoh. :)
