Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Caution: Potty Post

Last week, John Gary asked me if I could bring cupcakes for snack in his class.
Well being room mom, I said sure and headed out to the store to get some.
Smurf Cupcakes it was, and his mouth looked liked this while eating.

Now, as I am thinking, Omgosh how am I going to get this off his face, hands, uniform, floor, his sister and everything else he touches, I was not expecting the surprise the next day.
John Gary calls me screaming from the bathroom, Mommy, my poop is green.
I am thinking, ok, great, but when I go in there, it is no understatement.
His poop, not really green, the cloud surrounding it, yes, it looked like green easter egg dye. Bring green, it was the icing.
Now, anyone who says the body processes coloring, I have news, it doesnt.
So Happy Monday potty Story!!!

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