This week is the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Judgement. Ever since my days at FUS I have always had this day in my mind and knew when it was coming. Since being a youth minister, our youth, myself and Denise have done a Vigil for Life here at the church. We normally say a rosary, have a short talk and reflection etc. It has grown every year, and last night we had it again. We had a local florist bring roses, our Knights of Columbus Chapter put in a tomb of the Unborn a couple years ago. We got a group from the local Catholic High School to come and lead the rosary, and our High School youth were the "light" carrying candles. It was all together a great night, and I hope that our prayers can save the life of one baby, or lead a mother who needs healing to be healed. Father blessed the Tomb at the end of the service and he said something that struck me.
He said that God would not leave us in this world with not enough priests, or without our spiritual needs met. I have no idea exactly how many babies have been killed, but I guarantee some of them were priests, sisters, doctors who would of found a cure for diseases.
We all have our reasons for being pro-life. But life starts in the home, the domestic church. We as moms can raise our kids to be pro-life in all forms. When I think about this, my 3 year old is not old enough to understand unborn babies, but he is old enough to know what it means to respect and love others.
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