Thursday, January 12, 2012

We might be doing something right....

Last night my hubby was in the church undecorating from Christmas with a few other guys.  Well, I had a meeting to go to, so the kids were with my mom and him.  As John was undecorating, mom was watching John Gary and making sure he didnt throw a candlestick at the tabernacle.  Now, I must say that his boundaries in church are a little less strict as some, as since he was 4 months old, he has spent literally hours on end in the church.  With adults talking, decorating, deciding, setting up, etc.  He is veeeerrrryyy comfortable in there, and even is on the altar.  When I was decorating, and he was little, he literally would crawl around on there. Sometimes when I feel like maybe it isn't good that he walk up to the tabernacle, he genuflects, but most kids don't do that.  The altar is a place they are not allowed to go.  I always remember the words of Jesus, "let the little children come to me."  

Well, my mom was watching him, he genuflected, walked up onto the altar, stood behind the pulpit.  He is too short to see over.  But he started saying things loudly like "mercy, Jesus, love".......basically putting together words that he knew he heard in church.  Then he would raise his little hand and respond Lord Hear Our Prayer.  Now, I know Im his mama, and partial to the cuteness, but really? Maybe all the talking, teaching, etc does get to our children.  And maybe just maybe, when he is being loud in mass, he is listening and picking up on little things.....
Now Gianna is growing up doing the same thing.  It makes me happy to see them so physically close to Jesus.  

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. I can only hope my daughters will be so faithful at a young age. Currently, going to mass with two non-verbal toddlers is a total nightmare.
