Ok, so John Gary don't do that,
Me go do something and he is still doing it, even though I choose sometimes not to notice for a couple of minutes because he is occupied. Then, look that direction,
John Gary, please dont.
John Gary do you want to go in time out
John Gary stop!
John Gary next time you are getting a spanking.
John Gary next time you are going in time out.
Ok, time out.
John Gary from time out "Mommy I am going to be a good listener now"
Me: Stay in time out.
30 seconds later, ok John Gary, come here
John Gary "mommy Im sorry, I will be a good listener now"
Repeat 20 times per hour depending on the task at hand.
Now, in his defense he has learned he can negotiate with me -- mistake #1
He is getting bored at home and thus is trying to entertain himself-- mistake #2
I am a total sucker for the Im Sorry and Im going to be a good listener now -- mistake #3
He just aims to please, as when he is behaving he points out what a good listener he is being, and that mommy is sooooo proud of him.
It sounds as though he is starving for attention or affection.
This is impossible as the child is constantly hugged, kissed, told how wonderful he is etc etc etc.
Anyway, my rant for the day is finished.
Happy Thursday!! Its almost the weekend again:)!
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